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Who We Are

We here at Subversionary Studios are angry.  Entertainment is doled out like cheap fast food, and it’s just as sad and unfulfilling.  You will hear complaints about how no one makes art anymore, but that simply is not true!  People are always creating new and wonderful stories, we’ve seen greater storytelling on some random internet fanfic than most of the content on any corporate streaming service.

Movies, TV, and video games are all gate-kept by the most talentless, paint-by-focus-group, money-obsessed hacks out there.  They refuse to make bold choices or try anything new.  If it’s the reboot of a reboot or the prequel to the spin-off, these people don’t understand how to give you what you want.  They only know how to rip off what you already liked.

The point is to control the narrative of your life.  Terry Pratchett once observed, “Once you’d turned things into stories, you could change the stories.  And there was the problem, right there.”  The current story told is one that works for many rich and powerful people.  They don’t want outside points of view or people they can’t control giving you something new, because they fear it will change your compliance.

Subversionary Studios’ aim is to create art, unlike you have ever seen before.  We want to entertain and titillate, but also to challenge the way you see the world.  We want to express a better way we could all be.

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